I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone with a craft project. I’ve been LOVING the bucket lists on Pinterest but never found one that would be perfect for me. I also have been less that great to keep my Memories in Raw blog updated with all my gorgeous clients and with me closing my year, minus the newborn shoots I do, until the snow melts my poor photo blog is facing a very sad and loney holiday season. SO….I decided to 1: Make my own bucket list and totally tailor it to me and 2: I’m going to use it to help me create mini photoshoots to keep me creative during the winter and give my blog some TLC. So if I come to you asking to borrow your kiddos now you know why! So here’s what I came up with! And I love it!
If you’d like a copy of this yourself go HERE to download. I printed mine and framed it too, one Christmas decoration down!
You can also email me if you’d like the pdf version so you can customize the font, wording and even the placement of the trees and header! Here’s to a fun and busy holiday season beginning AND to keeping this blog updated!!