Tregan & Daxton

Have you ever noticed that boys almost always seem to be luckier in the beauty department than girls? They’re the ones that have those super dark and curly eyelashes , shiny thick hair or in these boy’s cases…they have the best skin! I’m obsessed with skin because that’s what I meter off of and that’s what I touch up to give that creamy feel to. They have such amazing skin (color and everything) that my editing…can we say almost nonexistent??

We had to get pictures on this awesome tire but I must admit I was probably more stressed out than their mom! They had to climb up this dirt hill to get to it and I just KNEW they’d be absolutely filthy when they got back down and if you’re a wife or mom you know what I’m thinking! Grass and dirt stains! But they got down and they weren’t too bad! Thanks Michelle for letting them get up there! lol

I had to add this one because it’s so cute and funny! I told them to look at each other and laugh. Tregan didn’t hesitate one second before he opened his mouth real big but no sound came out! He just sat there and pretended to laugh! Which made me laugh for real!!

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