Archive for June, 2010

Logan Temple

June 11th, 2010

I’ve been waiting to get just the right picture of the Logan Temple. I mean come on, I live within miles of it and I got married there so it had to be more than decent! :D
Scott and I were driving home and I saw the clouds growing above the Logan Temple, looking like a storm was building right above it. I ran home and grabbed my camera and climbed up on my car (thank heavens for an SUV!) and with the clouds, the darker color in the skies and the flag blowing I found the shot I’ve been waiting for. I absolutely love how it turned out. Enough that I gave it to my parents for the 30th anniversary (they got married there, remember?) I think one of the only perks that we’re getting from this rainy and dark weather are the gorgeous skies!!
This print is also available for purchase.

Dan & Julie

June 9th, 2010

How lucky am I that I got ONE day this week with no rain? Even more lucky am I that I had such a lovely couple to spend the afternoon with! Even though we dealt with ants in the picnic and earth worms crawling up Julie’s leg we had a great time. They were so in tune with each other, and kept each other laughing and smiling the whole time. Dan had to have been thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world because he got to kiss Julie for almost an entire hour! :) Congrats you two on your upcoming wedding!!! You make a beautiful couple!

I feel for ya!

June 4th, 2010

A few months ago I won a mentorship with Brooke Snow and it changed everything I thought about photography business. Along with the mentorship I got a session with her as well. I was so stoked for everything BUT the session. Even though I knew she did amazing work and I trusted her I still had the panic…I wanted to wait until I lose weight, until my hair is a bit longer, until I could buy a brand new wardrobe. But I couldn’t and I fretted over it. So I went there and trusted her direction and her angles and by george! I loved them! Being in front of the camera gave me new appreciation for what I ask of my clients. It’s hard! haha You feel uncomfortable and nervous but it did give me a new outlook, I’m going to be so much more understanding that sometimes you’re going to need time to warm up to this big hunk of camera shoved in your face! :D And sometimes I need to give better direction. But I’m mostly going to love you guys even more because you’re putting your trust in me!

So in all fairness I’m posting my favorites from the session. Ok, ok…and because I love them! :D
